Account with Ease
Account with Ease
Is Simple and Easy
Build your foundation
iSave Suite
These are special savings accounts with a dedicated plan. Budget and save weekly or monthly to get to your goal faster.
As cliche as it may sound, there is really no place like home.
Auto Loan
Drive away in the car of your dreams with the VM Drive Auto Loan. We will get you on the road in your brand new or pre-owned motor vehicle with a repayment plan that is just right for you.
Personal Loan
Your goals are important to us and we know that you may need funding to get those goals on track. We offer personal loans to meet your medium to long term goal with terms that make them affordable for you.
Deposit Accounts
The deposit account is where it all begins. You can choose from a wide range of products to suit your needs.
Credit Card Solutions
Take on new experiences with your VM Visa Gold and VM Visa Platinum Credit Card. Conveniently access the funds you need so you can live the lifestyle you deserve.
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Investor Relations
Bank anywhere, anytime!
Local, International & Cross-Currency Transfers, Loans and Bill Payments – You can get it done without ever leaving home.